
May 30 Today in OPC History

Fifty-Eighth (1991) General Assembly


On Wednesday evening, May 30, 1991, the Fifty-Eighth General Assembly meeting at Genera College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, was called to order by the Rev. Theodore J. Georgian, moderator of the Fifty-Seventh General Assembly. Mr. Georgian constituted the meeting with a worship service, and delivered a sermon on the subject, “Kingdom Evaluation,” based on 1 Corinthians 4:1-5. The Rev. John W. Mahaffy administered the Lord's Supper. He was assisted by Ruling Elders Mark T. Bube, Frank Emley, Robert M. Meeker, Joe M. Moody, David Winslow, Jr., and Earl E. Zetterholm. The next morning the Assembly elected the Rev. William Warren to serve as moderator.

Picture: The 58th General Assembly



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