Thank you for your question. The answer is fairly simple. To the first part I answer, No and Yes. No, it is not considered a stated or called worship service, the non-attendance of which would be sinful, i.e., neglecting the assembling together of the brethren. There is no command in Scripture that a wedding be held in a formal worship service. And yet, it should be a worship service because we are celebrating the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, vows are being made, and all of this had better be to the glory of God! (1 Cor 10:31).
The position of the OPC and the historic Reformed Church is stated in the regulative principlewhatsoever God has not commanded in a worship service is forbidden. God has not commanded us to hold a formal wedding service. But we encourage a public declaration of vows for the glory of God and the edification of his people, not to mention to fulfill the commands to rejoice with one another and encourage one another in love and good deeds.
March 19, 2024
March 03, 2023
November 19, 2022
Who said, “Let there be light”?
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Evidence That Jesus Was Not Crucified or Resurrected
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Is salvation the result of divine election?
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Why Not Display Crosses on Church Buildings?
July 24, 2021
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