Q & A Archive by Topic ◊ Archive by Date
12 Articles of Faith ◊ January 11, 2004
Abortion ◊ April 13, 2008 ◊ November 07, 2009
Absent from the Body ◊ June 20, 2004 ◊ October 10, 2010
Addiction: Sin or Disease? ◊ September 11, 2011
Adultery and Forgiveness ◊ February 01, 2004
Advance Directives for Health Care ◊ November 21, 2009
Age Requirements for Lord's Supper ◊ April 10, 2010
Alcoholic Beverages ◊ October 28, 2007
Altar Cloths ◊ November 27, 2011
Anglicans taking Communion in an OPC ◊ December 02, 2002
Animals' Role in Life ◊ February 06, 2010
Apocrypha and Purgatory ◊ December 14, 2003
Apostles today ◊ March 10, 2003
Apostles' Creed ◊ March 23, 2008 ◊ March 09, 2014
Apostolic Healing Services Revisited ◊ June 19, 2005 ◊ December 26, 2004
Apostolic Succession and the Roman Catholic Church ◊ May 30, 2004
Apparent Contradiction in Scripture? ◊ October 17, 2004
Are all sins equal in God's eyes? ◊ March 13, 2011
Are changing seasons a result of the fall? ◊ November 16, 2014
Ash Wednesday ◊ August 21, 2005
Assemblies of God ◊ June 30, 2003
Associate Pastors ◊ January 23, 2011
Assurance of Salvation ◊ April 24, 2010 ◊ May 22, 2011 ◊ December 23, 2012
Attire in Worship Services ◊ March 20, 2011
Authors of Answers ◊ April 02, 2006
Authorship of the Gospels ◊ August 26, 2007
Baptism and Circumcision ◊ March 14, 2004 ◊ August 19, 2012 ◊ September 02, 2012
Baptism from another denomination ◊ September 21, 2003
Baptism of covenant children ◊ February 17, 2003 ◊ February 05, 2012 ◊ December 16, 2012
Baptismal Regeneration ◊ August 06, 2006
Baptists and evangelism ◊ September 12, 2010
Baptists and the OPC ◊ December 16, 2007
Baptizing Children of Non-Members ◊ May 28, 2006
Begotten or Proceeding ◊ July 14, 2013
Bible Presbyterian Church ◊ January 13, 2008
Bible Translations ◊ August 14, 2005
Bible Versions ◊ May 18, 2008 ◊ December 05, 2009 ◊ March 25, 2012 ◊ October 24, 2009 ◊ June 02, 2013
Biblical Forgiveness ◊ February 20, 2010
Biblical Theology ◊ August 05, 2007
Binding and loosing ◊ February 26, 2012
Birth Control ◊ July 03, 2005 ◊ September 28, 2003
Blood and organ donation ◊ November 21, 2010
Blood of Jesus ◊ October 31, 2004
Body, Soul and Spirit ◊ May 01, 2010
Business Partnerships with Unbelievers ◊ August 12, 2007
Calvin and Servetus ◊ September 16, 2012
Calvinism and Reformed Denominations ◊ March 20, 2005
Calvinism vs. Hyper-Calvinism ◊ March 03, 2003 ◊ February 10, 2008
Can Catholics Be Christians? ◊ February 05, 2006
Can Christians own luxuries? ◊ March 31, 2013
Capital Punishment ◊ April 06, 2008
Capitalization of pronouns referring to God ◊ April 04, 2004
Caring for the pastor ◊ May 04, 2008
Carry your cross ◊ January 27, 2003
Catholic vs. Presbyterian ◊ March 28, 2004
Charge to a Congregation ◊ January 23, 2005
Chastening by the Lord ◊ February 03, 2008
Children's Church ◊ March 16, 2008
Children's friends ◊ June 09, 2013
Children: are they an obligation? ◊ March 21, 2004
Christ's Atonement ◊ January 20, 2008 ◊ June 19, 2011
Christian Condolence to a Non-Christian ◊ April 23, 2006
Christian counseling or psychology ◊ July 15, 2012
Christian Lifestyle ◊ July 22, 2007
Christian marriage ◊ May 11, 2008 ◊ June 15, 2014
Christian Reformed Church ◊ November 30, 2003
Christian Schools ◊ July 15, 2007
Christian Singles ◊ June 10, 2007
Christian View of Contraception ◊ July 03, 2005 ◊ September 28, 2003
Christmas and the Regulative Principle ◊ January 25, 2004 ◊ November 25, 2002 ◊ December 18, 2005
Christmas celebration ◊ January 25, 2004 ◊ November 25, 2002 ◊ December 18, 2005
Christmas star in Matthew 2 ◊ December 30, 2012
Church Attendance ◊ July 17, 2011
Church building uses ◊ September 30, 2012
Church business meetings on Sunday ◊ April 30, 2006
Church discipline ◊ November 16, 2003
Church fund raising ◊ May 08, 2011
Church Membership from a distance ◊ September 13, 2015
Church membership materials ◊ December 02, 2007
Church unity ◊ January 06, 2008
Clerical Titles ◊ February 27, 2010 ◊ January 06, 2013
Close Relationship with God ◊ April 24, 2005
Collecting the offering ◊ October 21, 2012
Coming from other denominations ◊ November 09, 2003
Common Grace, Well-Intentioned Offer, etc. ◊ November 14, 2004
Communion and Bible Studies ◊ January 18, 2004 ◊ December 31, 2006 ◊ May 15, 2005
Communion and Christ's Body ◊ May 15, 2005 ◊ January 18, 2004 ◊ December 31, 2006
Communion of Saints ◊ January 04, 2004
Confession ◊ August 01, 2010
Contraception ◊ July 03, 2005 ◊ September 28, 2003
Covenant Theology and the OPC ◊ October 07, 2007 ◊ October 31, 2009
Covert Missions ◊ December 25, 2005
Creation of Man in Genesis ◊ April 16, 2006
Creation: length of days ◊ March 31, 2003
Creationism vs. Traducianism ◊ December 03, 2006
Cremation ◊ November 14, 2009
Criteria of Biblical Canon ◊ February 12, 2012
Crosses in the sanctuary ◊ March 04, 2012
Crucifixes ◊ March 24, 2013
Da Vinci Code ◊ August 20, 2006
Deaconesses ◊ August 07, 2005 ◊ July 22, 2012
Deaconesses ◊ August 07, 2005
Deadly weapons ◊ February 03, 2013
Deborah's Leadership Position ◊ October 16, 2005
Deceiving Pharaoh ◊ November 26, 2006
Demon Possession ◊ October 16, 2011
Denominations and Christian Truth ◊ June 05, 2005 ◊ April 17, 2010
Denominations, Reformed ◊ March 20, 2005 ◊ April 22, 2012
Did David Pray for Grace? ◊ September 17, 2006
Did God Make My Son Homosexual ◊ November 18, 2007 ◊ July 21, 2013
Dietary laws in O.T. ◊ March 06, 2011
Differences between Presbyterian denominations ◊ April 22, 2012
Differing with WCF ◊ May 23, 2010
Discerning the Will of God ◊ December 04, 2005
Divinity of Jesus ◊ March 13, 2010
Divorce and Christian Service ◊ June 03, 2007 ◊ September 02, 2007
Divorce and Remarriage ◊ June 03, 2007 ◊ September 02, 2007 ◊ July 11, 2010
Does God desire that everyone be saved? ◊ January 13, 2013
Does God have emotions? ◊ December 09, 2012
Does God Love Everyone? ◊ May 14, 2006
Does OPC reject evolution? ◊ January 23, 2010
Does the OPC say the Lord's Prayer? ◊ June 06, 2010
Double Predestination ◊ January 28, 2007
Early Christians and the Eucharist ◊ May 15, 2005
Easter Eggs ◊ April 08, 2012
Eastern Orthodoxy ◊ June 15, 2008
Elders' Authority ◊ August 19, 2007 ◊ April 01, 2012 ◊ June 23, 2013
Elements in the Lord's Supper ◊ September 04, 2005 ◊ April 24, 2011
Emotions - are they only physical and chemical processes? ◊ March 23, 2014
Emotions - are they only physical and chemical processes? ◊ March 23, 2014
End Times Bible Prophecy ◊ May 06, 2007
English Standard Version (ESV) ◊ August 14, 2005
Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses ◊ February 19, 2006
Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the OPC ◊ May 26, 2003
Evangelism by the OPC ◊ August 29, 2004
Evangelism without Decisional Regeneration ◊ March 13, 2005
Evening Worship Service ◊ November 11, 2007
Evil ◊ May 01, 2005
Fake Christians and Worldly Benefits ◊ January 07, 2007
Family Roles ◊ April 18, 2004
Family Worship ◊ September 09, 2007
Fasting ◊ February 12, 2006
Fencing the table ◊ October 07, 2012
Fitting in at an OPC ◊ June 13, 2010
Flags in the sanctuary ◊ July 04, 2010
Forgiveness ◊ May 16, 2010 ◊ October 03, 2010
Free Will and Predestination ◊ April 27, 2008
Freemasonry ◊ February 18, 2008
Future of Christianity ◊ October 09, 2011
Gender changes in the NIV ◊ October 24, 2009 ◊ March 25, 2012
Gender of God ◊ June 17, 2012
Genealogies of Jesus ◊ March 19, 2006
Geology and revelation ◊ November 20, 2011
Geology vs. revelation ◊ November 20, 2011
Gift of Teaching ◊ October 24, 2010
God's Chosen People and the Holocaust ◊ June 17, 2007
God's Judgment and Hurricane Katrina ◊ October 09, 2005
God's nature ◊ July 10, 2005
Going to Church ◊ March 05, 2006
Good Non-Christian People? ◊ December 05, 2004
Gospel ◊ June 13, 2004
Gospel in the Stars ◊ July 07, 2003
Gospel Ministry ◊ September 26, 2010
Grace ◊ May 21, 2006
Hades, Meaning of Sheol and ◊ January 30, 2005
Halloween ◊ May 30, 2010
Handling offerings ◊ October 17, 2010 ◊ August 31, 2014
Harold Camping ◊ May 12, 2003
Have I been called to pastoral ministry? ◊ March 10, 2013
Head Coverings ◊ April 29, 2007
Heaven ◊ July 04, 2004
Hebrews 10:29 and the Blood of the Covenant ◊ March 06, 2005
Heidelberg Catechism and Westminster Standards ◊ September 05, 2004
Heidelberg Catechism Teacher's Guide ◊ February 18, 2007
Hermeneutic Used by OPC ◊ December 10, 2006
Hispanics in the OPC ◊ November 18, 2006 ◊ February 09, 2014
Historic Premillennialism and Dispensationalism ◊ January 13, 2003 ◊ October 31, 2009
Holocaust ◊ August 08, 2004
Home Bible Studies ◊ September 18, 2011
Homosexuality and gay marriages ◊ June 06, 2004 ◊ December 26, 2010 ◊ May 13, 2012 ◊ July 21, 2013
Hostile academic environments ◊ December 26, 2010
How Can a Loving God Condemn? ◊ November 07, 2004
How to Be Saved ◊ November 18, 2012
Hunting animals ◊ January 20, 2013
Illegal Immigrants ◊ January 02, 2010
Importance of church membership ◊ April 29, 2012 ◊ September 13, 2015
Importance of Preaching ◊ January 16, 2010
In vitro and artificial insemination ◊ October 26, 2003
In Vitro Fertilization ◊ July 23, 2006 ◊ October 26, 2003
Incarnation's Purpose ◊ August 11, 2003
Incorporating Churches ◊ October 12, 2003
Infant Baptism ◊ November 18, 2002 ◊ January 01, 2006 ◊ September 04, 2011
Infant Baptism - age ◊ June 25, 2006 ◊ November 07, 2010
Infant baptism and John's Baptism of Jesus ◊ March 27, 2005
Intelligent Design ◊ June 18, 2006
Intermetiate state after death ◊ October 10, 2010
Interracial marriage ◊ February 17, 2013
Is 1 John 5:7 in original scripture? ◊ August 29, 2010
Is a Wedding a Worship Service? ◊ December 19, 2009
Is Jesus the angel of the Lord? ◊ September 05, 2010
Is righteousness "imputed" or "reckoned" to us? ◊ May 20, 2012
Is sickness God's discipline? ◊ July 27, 2014
Is there hope for America's wicked society? ◊ November 04, 2012
J. I. Packer ◊ January 15, 2012
James 4:5 ◊ April 03, 2005
Jeremiah/Zechariah Resolution ◊ February 20, 2005
Jesus as Mary's First-Born ◊ May 22, 2005
John's Baptism of Jesus ◊ March 27, 2005
Joining an OPC ◊ January 25, 2015
Joining the Catholic Church ◊ November 11, 2012
Joining the OPC ◊ September 19, 2010 ◊ January 25, 2015
Judaism ◊ January 29, 2012
Just Wars ◊ June 20, 2010
Justification ◊ February 13, 2005 ◊ July 29, 2012
Kenneth Hagin and Word of Faith Movement ◊ December 12, 2004
King James Version ◊ April 28, 2003
Law As Means of Grace ◊ January 15, 2006
Law in Old and New Covenant ◊ December 11, 2005
Laying On of Hands at Ordination ◊ July 24, 2005
LC 109: why was it changed? ◊ May 06, 2012
Leaving a Church Fellowship ◊ September 14, 2003 ◊ May 27, 2007
Leaving another denomination for Presbyterian ◊ February 24, 2013
Leaving the PCUSA ◊ February 08, 2004
Length of Lord's Day ◊ November 10, 2013
Lent: should we observe it? ◊ March 06, 2010
Letters on the Cross ◊ August 28, 2005
Limited atonement ◊ December 30, 2007
Liturgical Year ◊ December 26, 2009
Long hair on men ◊ November 06, 2011
Lord's Supper ◊ July 03, 2011 ◊ October 02, 2011 ◊ April 29, 2012 ◊ November 27, 2011 ◊ August 13, 2006 ◊ September 02, 2012
Lord's Supper and Catholics ◊ March 17, 2003
Losing Salvation ◊ October 31, 2010
Lotteries and Gambling ◊ February 26, 2006
Luke 14:33 and "Giving Up Everything" ◊ March 18, 2007
Lutheran vs. Reformed ◊ February 27, 2005
Lutheranism and Limited Atonement ◊ June 08, 2008
Lutherans and Presbyterians ◊ February 25, 2008
Machen, J. Gresham ◊ January 16, 2005 ◊ April 10, 2011
Making restitution ◊ March 11, 2012
Man's Chief End and the Unsaved ◊ June 02, 2003
Mark of the beast ◊ January 27, 2013
Marks of the True Church ◊ May 02, 2004 ◊ March 17, 2013
Marriage with a Roman Catholic ◊ May 23, 2004
Martial arts ◊ August 14, 2011
Mary's death and burial ◊ October 14, 2012
Mary: the Mother of God? ◊ December 28, 2003
Matt. 25:31-46 and good works ◊ August 22, 2010
Matt. 7:7-11 ◊ June 05, 2011
Maximum Age of a Baptized Child ◊ June 25, 2006
Meaning of "Altar" ◊ August 13, 2006
Meaning of Orthodox ◊ January 09, 2005 ◊ January 02, 2005 ◊ September 26, 2004
Meaning of Sheol and Hades ◊ January 30, 2005
Mel Gibson's movie The Passion ◊ February 22, 2004
Membership in the OPC ◊ December 05, 2010 ◊ December 12, 2010 ◊ June 03, 2012 ◊ September 13, 2015
Memorial Pictures on Church Bulletins ◊ May 29, 2005
Men Under Care ◊ July 14, 2003
Military Chaplaincy ◊ December 12, 2009
Military service ◊ June 20, 2010
Millennial views ◊ April 20, 2008
Ministers: Voting and Membership ◊ March 26, 2006
Mission Philosophy: OPC & PCA ◊ July 28, 2003
Missions ◊ January 02, 2011
Mode of baptism ◊ March 03, 2003 ◊ January 08, 2012
Modern Medical Questions ◊ October 26, 2003
Muslim View of Jesus' Crucifixion ◊ October 03, 2004
Muslims: descended from Esau? ◊ February 04, 2007
Narnia Stories of C.S. Lewis ◊ May 07, 2006
National Israel ◊ January 01, 2012 ◊ April 15, 2012
Near death experiences ◊ November 25, 2012
New International Version (NIV) ◊ August 14, 2005
New Perspective on Paul ◊ March 12, 2006
New Testament: Word of God? ◊ October 23, 2005
Nicene Creed ◊ August 08, 2010
OPC and Calvinism ◊ August 15, 2010
OPC Controversies and GA Reports ◊ February 15, 2004
OPC Distinctives ◊ December 09, 2002
OPC General Assembly ◊ June 26, 2011
OPC on Wikipedia ◊ February 09, 2014
Open Theism ◊ September 14, 2003
Ordination in the OPC ◊ September 10, 2006
Ordination of elders ◊ April 07, 2003
Origin of "session" ◊ June 01, 2014
Original Sin ◊ May 08, 2005
Original sin and immaculate conception ◊ September 09, 2012
Orthodox Revisited - Part 1 ◊ January 09, 2005 ◊ January 02, 2005
Orthodox Revisited - Part 2 ◊ January 09, 2005 ◊ January 02, 2005
Orthodox Revisited - Part 3 ◊ January 16, 2005 ◊ January 09, 2005 ◊ January 02, 2005
Orthodox: Meaning in OPC ◊ January 09, 2005 ◊ January 02, 2005 ◊ September 26, 2004
Owning the Truth ◊ April 17, 2010 ◊ June 05, 2005
Paedocommunion ◊ June 04, 2006 ◊ February 27, 2011
Parachurch Ministries ◊ September 03, 2006
Parents' vows ◊ September 04, 2011
Pastor's income ◊ August 05, 2012
Pastoral Prayer ◊ November 28, 2004
Pastors: Voting and Membership ◊ March 26, 2006
Paul the Pharisee ◊ February 19, 2012
Peace About It ◊ May 09, 2010
Pictures of Christ ◊ March 17, 2003 ◊ February 06, 2011
Place of Pulpit and Table ◊ August 18, 2003
Pledge of Allegiance ◊ January 09, 2010
Polygamy ◊ November 11, 2006
Polygamy in other countries ◊ February 20, 2011
Prayer "for Jesus' Sake" ◊ August 27, 2006
Prayers of Unbelievers ◊ September 23, 2007
Praying with unbelievers ◊ December 19, 2010
Predestination and Irresistible Grace ◊ November 04, 2002
Preparation for the Lord's Supper ◊ February 13, 2010
Presbyterian Beliefs ◊ July 25, 2004
Presbyterian Church Government ◊ October 21, 2007
Presbyterian Church in America ◊ January 06, 2003 ◊ July 28, 2003
Presbyterian Church USA ◊ June 16, 2003
Presbyterianism ◊ June 27, 2004 ◊ July 10, 2011
Presbyterians and the Virgin Birth ◊ April 09, 2006
Prison Evangelism ◊ January 22, 2006
Producing Fruit ◊ March 20, 2010
Profession of faith ◊ May 29, 2011
Protestant Reformed Church and the Free Offer ◊ August 15, 2004
Protestant Saints ◊ July 31, 2005
Psalm 150 set to music ◊ February 25, 2007
Pulpit Committees ◊ January 30, 2010
Purgatory and good works ◊ March 02, 2008
Race relations perspective in the OPC ◊ March 30, 2008 ◊ February 09, 2014
Rapture and Left Behind ◊ May 19, 2003 ◊ April 03, 2011
Reaching young people ◊ June 27, 2010
Red Sea Crossing ◊ July 11, 2004
Reformed Baptists ◊ August 19, 2012
Reformed Christianity v. Atheism ◊ April 21, 2013
Reformed Church in America ◊ April 21, 2003
Reformed Distinctives ◊ September 25, 2011 ◊ January 30, 2011 ◊ October 23, 2011
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America ◊ May 16, 2004
Reformed View of Original Sin ◊ May 08, 2005 ◊ October 23, 2011
Refusing to baptise one's children ◊ December 16, 2012
Regulative Principle of Worship ◊ August 04, 2003 ◊ July 18, 2010 ◊ July 24, 2011
Regulative principle of worship ◊ March 09, 2014
Relationship with God ◊ April 24, 2005
Remarriage ◊ April 11, 2004
Repentance ◊ May 13, 2007
Restaurants on the Sabbath ◊ November 04, 2007
Revelation: Is It Completed? ◊ June 10, 2012
Robes in Worship ◊ November 23, 2003
Rock & Rap Music ◊ September 22, 2013
Roman Catholicism ◊ September 11, 2005 ◊ June 12, 2011
Roman Catholicism and "Sacred Tradition" ◊ December 17, 2006
Roman Catholics joining the OPC ◊ September 11, 2005 ◊ June 03, 2012
Romans 1:20 ◊ April 03, 2005
Ruth as Covenant Member ◊ June 26, 2005
Sabbath Day Change ◊ September 25, 2005 ◊ September 18, 2005 ◊ October 02, 2005
Saints ◊ July 31, 2005
Salvation of Infants Who Die ◊ February 29, 2004 ◊ July 08, 2012
Salvation of the Elect ◊ April 25, 2004
Salvation: Can It Be Lost? ◊ October 24, 2004
Sanctification ◊ November 25, 2007
Santa Claus and Truth ◊ January 25, 2004 ◊ November 25, 2002 ◊ December 18, 2005
Secret Societies ◊ November 14, 2010
Seder: should Christians celebrate? ◊ July 17, 2005
Seminary ◊ March 09, 2008
Seminary Choice ◊ December 24, 2006
Serving communion to the sick ◊ December 23, 2002 ◊ February 08, 2015
Session Confidentiality ◊ April 03, 2010
Seventh-Day Adventists ◊ June 10, 2006
Sexual Morality ◊ February 06, 2005 ◊ July 18, 2004
Sexual Sin ◊ July 25, 2010
Sheol and Hades ◊ January 30, 2005
Short-term missions ◊ January 02, 2011
Should entertainments be avoided? ◊ March 27, 2011
Shrove Tuesday ◊ February 03, 2003
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday ◊ August 21, 2005
Shunning the excommunicated ◊ December 11, 2011
Slain in the Spirit ◊ July 30, 2006
Sleep - is it a result of the fall? ◊ January 26, 2014
Small groups ◊ December 25, 2011
Sola Fide (only faith) ◊ July 29, 2012
Soul and Spirit ◊ October 30, 2011
Spanking Children ◊ August 31, 2003
Speaking in tongues ◊ April 14, 2003 ◊ May 01, 2011
Special and General Revelation ◊ November 20, 2011
Starting a new OP Church ◊ September 30, 2007
Study Bible ◊ September 07, 2003
Suicide ◊ November 13, 2011
Suicide ◊ November 13, 2011
Sunday School Teachers ◊ December 21, 2003 ◊ March 18, 2012
Supporting non-reformed agencies ◊ August 28, 2011
Systematic Theology book recommendations ◊ October 19, 2014
Taming the Tongue ◊ October 10, 2004 ◊ June 24, 2012
Teaching our daughters ◊ August 26, 2012
Teaching our daughters ◊ August 26, 2012
Tenebrae & Maundy Thursday Services ◊ March 02, 2013
Thank Offering After Communion ◊ December 19, 2004
Theonomy and the OPC ◊ December 07, 2003
Tithing ◊ June 09, 2003 ◊ August 31, 2014
Total Depravity ◊ October 23, 2011
Translation of "homosexual" in 1 Cor. 6:9 ◊ May 13, 2012
Transubstantiation ◊ January 27, 2008
Trinity Hymnal ◊ April 17, 2011
Trinity Hymnal ◊ April 17, 2011 ◊ December 04, 2011
Trinity Hymnal - different words ◊ November 28, 2010 ◊ December 04, 2011
True Church and the OPC ◊ December 09, 2007
TULIP and predestination ◊ November 04, 2002
TV Apostolic Healing Services ◊ June 19, 2005 ◊ December 26, 2004
Universal Atonement ◊ February 13, 2011
Unpardonable sin ◊ December 23, 2007
Value of the Westminster Standards ◊ June 12, 2005
Verichip and the mark of the beast ◊ January 27, 2013
Virgin Mary ◊ May 22, 2005
Visions ◊ January 09, 2011
War and "You Shall Not Murder" ◊ August 22, 2004
Wayward children ◊ March 24, 2003
Wearing a cross as jewelry ◊ November 30, 2014
Wearing jewelry and wigs ◊ January 22, 2012
Wedding locations ◊ June 15, 2014
Wedding toast/speech that glorifies God ◊ July 13, 2014
Were the Apostles (Re-)Baptized? ◊ October 01, 2006
Wesleyan view of sanctification ◊ February 24, 2003
Westminster Confession of Faith - Edition Used ◊ March 07, 2004
Westminster Confession of Faith Study Guide ◊ September 16, 2007
Westminster Standards ◊ June 12, 2005
What is the church "for"? ◊ September 23, 2012
When Was the Church Established? ◊ January 29, 2006
Who created religion? ◊ August 07, 2011 ◊ August 21, 2011 ◊ October 06, 2013
Why wasn't Mary's sin passed on to Jesus? ◊ April 28, 2013
Will sacrifices be restored when Christ returns? ◊ May 31, 2017
Wine or Grape Juice ◊ February 10, 2003 ◊ July 01, 2012
Withdrawing from the OPC ◊ November 02, 2003
Woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11) ◊ June 29, 2014
Women in prayer meetings ◊ October 28, 2012
Women Missionaries ◊ August 01, 2004 ◊ July 22, 2012
Women Teaching Men ◊ October 05, 2003 ◊ March 18, 2012 ◊ February 23, 2014
Women Teaching Women ◊ July 21, 2003
Women Ushers ◊ April 10, 2005
Worshiping with Arminians ◊ May 27, 2012
Zechariah 14: 1-21 ◊ May 15, 2011
© 2025 The Orthodox Presbyterian Church