
June 06, 2010 Q & A

Does the OPC say the Lord's Prayer?


In my church, we do not say the Lord's Prayer. This bothers me. Does the Orthodox Presbyterian Church say the Lord's Prayer?


It is evident from your note that you are aware of a significant difference between an Orthodox Presbyterian Church and a church that is not orthodox. And it distresses you that there is no proper recognition of the Lord's Prayer. You are to be commended for such a concern because what is commonly called "The Lord's Prayer" was a model or pattern for prayer that Jesus himself taught his disciples. And in doing so he said that we should pray "in this manner" (Matt. 6:9). It is important to recognize, however, that in saying this Jesus did not mean that this very model prayer is to be prayed every Sunday in church. No, but every Sunday in church (and at every other time of prayer as well) our prayers should follow the teaching and meaning of the model Jesus gave us.

Let me suggest that you go to our web site and find either the Westminster Larger Catechism (Questions 186-196), or Shorter Catechism (Questions 99-107). An entire section of each is based on the model Jesus gave us, and shows how to make proper use of this prayer as a pattern for all of our prayers. Let me also suggest that you visit the nearest Orthodox Presbyterian Church where you will hear prayers that are based on that model.

May the Lord bless you in your evident concern for faithfulness in your church.



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