
July 4 Today in OPC History

Edward Kellogg


On July 4, 1965, the Rev. Edward Kellogg wrote a communication to the Thirty-second General Assembly that was scheduled to open four days later. Kellogg's concern was the actions of the recently concluded General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church in the USA meeting in Columbus, Ohio. Kellogg explained that a concerned Presbyterian layman distressed about the theological modernism connected with the proposed Confession of 1967 had approached him and the Reverends Bruce Coie and Robert Graham in Southern California for the help of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Subsequently, a special meeting was held which over 300 people attended.

Kellogg proposed that in order to help these Presbyterians that a Presbyterian Covenant be formulated by a committee at this General Assembly. The purpose of the covenant would be to unite those of Presbyterian conviction throughout the country in a solemn agreement to promote the true Presbyterian faith without compromise.

Such a covenant might include the following:

1. A solemn resolve to uphold and proclaim the true Christian faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms and to uphold the Presbyterian form of government as that which is set forth in Holy Scripture.

2. A solemn resolve to oppose the Proposed Confession of 1967 as being contrary to the Christian faith as it so accurately set forth in the Westminster Standards and also as constituting a rejection of historic Presbyterianism.

3. A solemn resolve to immediately join with others of like mind in taking steps according to Presbyterian government and discipline to correct such teaching and practice of the United Presbyterian Church as is contrary to the Word of God.

4. A solemn resolve that if such efforts of reform fail and/or if the Proposed Confession of 1967 is adopted to leave the United Presbyterian Church and either unite with a Presbyterian denomination that is true to the faith or join with others in establishing such a denomination.

Picture: Ed Kellogg



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