
June 4 Today in OPC History

Wilfred Gesch


On this day Wilfred Gesch was born in 1923 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His father Martin was a German immigrant and the family attended a German Reformed Church. As a child in the rural community of Franklin, Wilfred learned the Heidelberg Catechism in German and was confirmed at Immanuel Reformed Church near Howards Grove, Wisconsin. On April 10, 1943 Wilfred married Elinore Voskuil of Cedar Grove. At this time he joined Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Cedar Grove, where he remained as a member for the next 70 years. During the 1940’s Wilfred was ordained to the eldership and was very active in Calvary OPC. At various times he taught Sunday School and served as the Superintendent. He directed the choir and the men’s chorus. He was also instrumental in Calvary’s Men’s Society. A strong believer in Presbyterian church government, he regularly participated in both Presbytery and the General Assembly. Wilfred and Elinore were also staunch supporters of foreign missions. Wilfred promoted the Hub-Spokes method for supporting our missionaries, and Elinore wrote countless letters to OPC missionaries on the foreign fields. Wilfred’s son Brian said this of his parents: “I believe my Mom and Dad (you cannot speak of one without the other!) tried to be good friends to the Pastors of our church.” Wilfred died at age 92 on July 30, 2015 and is at home with the Savior he served for so many decades.

Picture: Wilfred and Elinore Gesch



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